Great Brands Aren’t Born Behind a Desk (or, in a day)
Some of our best ideas come at some of the oddest times, while grocery shopping, getting a trim, over a pint with friends and sometimes in the middle of the night. We are inspired by our surroundings daily, and constantly have a mindful of projects brewing. This is the primary reason why all of our friends and families think we “have the coolest job” and often tell us that “you must have fun all day, don’t you?!?!”. When an idea pops into our heads, we need to share it quickly to gauge a reaction and see if it’s worth pursuing. This usually results in a friend saying, “wait, you just thought of that now?”
Our team of creatives “work” on ideas at all hours of the day. We don’t sit down at our desks each morning to come up with a company’s logo, a creative tagline or an ad campaign idea. When we sit down, many logos have already been created, the tagline has been refined 15 times and the campaign has usually been sketched up on a scrap of paper or a napkin and scratched out 6 or 12 times. When we get “to work”, our time is spent bringing these concepts to life, presenting them to our clients, and working with them until they are ready for the public.
An organization’s brand isn’t just a cool icon, a catchy tagline, a few nice colors or some interesting fonts, it’s a combination of their mission, their talents, their team and occasionally a big bite of a killer donut.